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Which is better Unix Web Hosting; Linux? Windows?

On the Internet there is a tremendous amount of argument over which operating system is the best for web hosting. There are anti-windows haters, there are FreeBSD fanatics and more. But which is the best? The truth is it depends on what you are doing.

Windows Option
The first version is Windows. Microsoft makes an operating system especially for servers. This operating systems allows true integration with Microsoft's products and also allows web sites to run Active Server Pages (basically computer scripts for dynamic web site content). Microsoft's server also allows integration with its SQL database, one of the more powerful databases. The downside of Microsoft's server software is that it costs several thousands of dollars for each server. Available options include Windows 2000 Server, Advanced Server and 2003 Server among others. Windows is best for new administrators because of its simple user interface. Additional software will cost extra such as: firewall, remote admin programs, ASP Encrypt, ASPMail, and many more required applications to make your server production ready.

Windows Hosting Benefits

- ASP Support
- ASP.NET Support
- Powerful SQL Server Database
- Access Database Support
- PHP and MySQL Compatible
- IIS Web Server

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Linux Option
The second version is Linux. Linux is actually a common name for a variety of operating systems. Linux was, and is, developed by a community of individuals which come together to commonly write the main part of Linux. After this main part is developed, and continually refined, additional parts are added to the program to customize it for whatever purposes the end user wants.

Linux Hosting Benefits

- PHP and MySQL Support
- Apache Web Server
- Mod Rewrite Support
- CHMOD file permissions

So which is the best? Well it depends on what you need. If you want the tightest security you can get then OpenBSD or Linux is probably for you. But it is very technical to install and you will not have a lot of frills. How about compatibility with all of Microsoft's products? Well then Windows is the best for you, but be prepared in that it will cost a lot--the other operating systems here all are free. How about compatibility with PHP? Well then look at Linux or FreeBSD. You see it is not so much as which operating system is the best, but rather which operating system is best for what I need to do.

Lets put it simply, if you need to develop your site in ASP then use a Windows based hosting company. If you're developing in PHP then definitely use a Linux/*nix hosting.


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